
Helping you find the most effective solutions
Do you get questions like these from your clients?
“I found five of Bo’s pills under the couch, and I think he’s getting worse, what should I do?”
“Pilling my cat is so hard to do and so stressful on her — I’m not sure it’s really helping.”
“I feel terrible every time I have to jab him with a needle — isn’t there something else we can do?”
If so, let us help.
We make life a little easier on you, your clients, and your patients. We’re a custom-compounding veterinary pharmacy you can rely on to provide innovative therapeutic solutions.
Expanding Your Therapeutic Options
We’re known best for our innovative problem solving. We stay well stocked on a large selection of the most popular medications and up-to-date on developments of new drugs, their dosing regimens, and methods for administering them. We strive to find solutions that lead to happy outcomes for your most challenging cases.
Improving Patient Compliance
Customized flavorings can turn pills into treats, and a liquid medication or transdermal can take the anxiety out of administering meds.
If it’s easier for your client to give their pet medicine, if they can give the medicine less frequently, or if we can find a less-expensive alternative – we increase the chances of that pet getting the medicine you prescribe and living a longer, happier life.
Put us to work on your next tough case.

Enhancing Client Satisfaction
“Make Fluffy feel better.”
You hear it all the time, right? Now you can make both your patient and your client feel better by making the treatment you prescribe easier to administer.
No one wants to stress a sick pet by forcing pills down — it can be difficult and even dangerous.
Count on us to help.
Extending Your Reference Library
We provide a fast and easy resource for checking on any drug-related question: Looking for new drugs to treat a particular condition? Concerned about certain drug interactions? Researching options to resolve a problematic treatment?
Answers are just a phone call away.
Getting Started with PetScripts
You’ll need a password to access our online prescription form and our veterinarian-exclusive sales and specials. Please request a password, and we’ll send one to you right away.
Then, just download a prescription form to fill out and fax to us.
Prescriptions are typically compounded the same day we receive your order, and you have several shipping options to choose from. Your choice will determine how soon your order is delivered. Clients can also pick-up at our pharmacy in Yarmouth, Maine.